Apology to Native American Tribes from The State of Georgia November 8, 2023 Atlanta, Georgia Senate Resolution 388 By: Senators Gooch of the 51st, Robertson of the 29th, Burns of the 23rd, Watson of the 11th, Hickman of the 4th, and others A RESOLUTION : Commending the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Cherokee Nation, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and the historical tribes that once called Georgia their home, including the Yuchi Tribe, Chickasaw Nation, Seminole Nation, Seminole Tribe of Florida, Shawnee Tribe, and all tribes; and for other purposes. WHEREAS, the ancestors of today's Southeastern tribes and other Native peoples have for millennia inhabited the lands of the present day State of Georgia. The Lower Muscogee Creek, a major tribe, occupied towns on the Fall Line, the Piedmont, and coastal plain areas. They were not one tribe but several tribes that formed a powerful confederacy. The Cherokee, another major tribe, occupied the mountains of northern Georgia; and WHEREAS, the arrival and settlement of General James Oglethorpe, founder of the Colony of Georgia, opened a new chapter in the histories of the Native peoples of said territory; and tribe. Senate Resolution 388 By: Senators Gooch of the 51st, Robertson of the 29th, Burns of the 23rd, Watson of the 11th, Hickman of the 4th, and others A RESOLUTION : Commending the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Cherokee Nation, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and the historical tribes that once called Georgia their home, including the Yuchi Tribe, Chickasaw Nation, Seminole Nation, Seminole Tribe of Florida, Shawnee Tribe, and all tribes; and for other purposes. WHEREAS, the ancestors of today's Southeastern tribes and other Native peoples have for millennia inhabited the lands of the present day State of Georgia. The Lower Muscogee Creek, a major tribe, occupied towns on the Fall Line, the Piedmont, and coastal plain areas. They were not one tribe but several tribes that formed a powerful confederacy. The Cherokee, another major tribe, occupied the mountains of northern Georgia; and WHEREAS, the arrival and settlement of General James Oglethorpe, founder of the Colony of Georgia, opened a new chapter in the histories of the Native peoples of said territory; and tribe important in the and more to come!